Silsoe, Bedfordshire, UK

Noise Pollution Update

many empty glass bottles of wine

Following complaints of noise pollution, which was investigated by Central Bedfordshire Council and a trial of noise reduction bottle banks, the Parish Council asked for the bottle banks to be removed earlier this year, no alternative sites were identified at this stage. CBC have followed up this request and have decided to relocate the bottle banks to Barton Rd. The following information has been provided:

CBC will not be consulting with residents regarding the relocation of the High Street bottle banks.  They are being moved from CBC land to another location on CBC owned land, and as such would not be something CBC would consult on.

CBC have been liaising with our highways department to ensure the site would be safe to use by residents. There is ample parking as this is quite a big layby, we have also constructed a hard standing so the banks can be safely kept off of the road which also provides a safe space for users to stand.

The nearest houses are quite a distance away with a line of trees and shrubs to provide a sound barrier. The banks are also lined to help reduce the sounds created when used.

The site will be regularly checked to ensure it is kept clean and any fly tipping is investigated for evidence before clearing.