Silsoe Community Recreational Trust
(registered charity number 1162018)
This charity was set up in 2015, amongst other things to administer the Silsoe Sports Centre, and associated land and buildings owned by the Parish Council. The day-to-day management of the Centre and the employment of staff has been delegated to a professional management company (InspireAll). The role of the Trust is to oversee the management and the finances and to develop the future strategy for the Centre for the benefit of everyone in the village of Silsoe.
The current Trustees are seeking to appoint additional Trustees to assist them with this vital work. Whilst skills in accountancy, management, legal affairs, and human resources would be useful, what is really needed are individuals with a passion for supporting this valuable village resource. Since its opening in 2016, the Centre has become a significant asset to the village, boasting an impressive average monthly footfall of approximately 4,200. The Trustees are committed to ensuring the Centre continues to grow and thrive for the benefit of all in Silsoe.
If you are at all interested a more detailed explanation of the Trustee’s role can be found here. Alternatively, if you send an email to or telephone me on 07951-720103 with your contact details a copy will be delivered to you.
David Swain – Trustee
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