Silsoe, Bedfordshire, UK

Update on Archers Fields

Archers Fields Silsoe

Please find below a brief update on the  concerns that have been raised on Archers Fields.

  • The bollard on West End road by the West End play area has been replaced and also the damaged raised block paving on Mander Farm Road has been repaired , although with tarmac
  • I have reported six street lights for repair and I have followed this up with a call to CBC and at last I can report that the street light behind the Forest Path play area has now been adopted.
  • I have also reported a further two lights for repair along Forest Path and Mander Farm Road.
  • The Wheelie bin lock up situated on the Conifers has been cleared of household rubbish and is now ready for the bins and a new lock for the residents.
  • The Housing Association has promised to maintain the Farmers style gate also.
  • I have had various meetings with Archers Fields Property Manager and their maintenance team and I can confirm that the 14 Bollard lights situated on the shared driveways will be repaired in mid January 2022 including any underpass and Carport lighting.
  • The hedges and gully near West End Lane will be cleared and cut back substantially
  • The hedges along Mander Farm Road stretching from the roundabout to 42 Mander Farm Road will also be cut back and the height drastically reduced , both within similar timescales

My next step is to ensure that all works are completed and signed off.

I am chasing CBC regarding general maintenance including replacing the Tree on Mander Farm Road.

Hopefully in the new year I can report on the Bloor Fence along Mander Farm Road.

Andrew Gearey, SPC