Silsoe, Bedfordshire, UK

Proposed Temporary Road Closure


Proposed Temporary Road Closure – Barton Rd/ Obelisk Way/ Yew Tree Cl/ Cranfield Rd, Silsoe

A Temporary Road Closure will be in place at the above location to enable Pre Surface Dressing/ Surface Dressing to take place safely.  Details are listed in the schedule below .

The restrictions are to be in operation only when the necessary signs are erected on site. The Legal Order will be made to cover an 18 month period.  Access may be allowed from time to time according to local signing.


Road:                          Barton Rd/ Obelisk Way/ Yew Tree Cl/ Cranfield Rd, Silsoe

Application from:      RJ obo CBC – 03003008049

Reason:                      Pre Surface Dressing/ Surface Dressing/ Lining Works

Length affected:        Barton Rd from A6 to West End Rd

                                    Obelisk Way/ Yew Tree Cl/ Cranfield Rd – Junctions Only

Date:                           The closure will be in place from 0900-1530hrs at some point between the dates 31st October to 31st December exact dates will be sent out closer to the time.

Diversion Route        A6, High St

NB. The applicant will be responsible for taking down all Central Bedfordshire Council public notices immediately after the works requiring the Order have been completed.