Silsoe, Bedfordshire, UK


We have a new website!

Silsoe Parish Council have launched a new website for Silsoe residents. It’s packed full of information for residents, in a clearer, easier to find format. If you would like to see anything else added to the site, or have any suggestions to include that would benefit our community. Please get in touch here.

Police car- Beds police

Police Unit in Silsoe

Police are setting up a mobile police unit for Silsoe residents at the Silsoe Sports Centre on Sunday 19th September 10am to 2pm. This is a great opportunity to discuss local issues with them. If Silsoe residents are available could you please take the time to visit the event and talk through any concerns you…
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Silsoe Village sign in sun

Can you help?

LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS 👀 Our Village sign is looking in need of a little TLC and refurbishment. Is there anyone in the village who would be willing to refurbish it as a little project? The Parish Council would supply the materials. If you would like to help restore our beloved sign, please contact us via our…
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Road view of newer section

Silsoe Residents’ Open Meeting

NOVEMBER RESIDENTS’ MEETING DETAILS Nov 23, 2020 NEW! RESIDENTS’ OPEN MEETING25 November 7.30pm. A virtual Silsoe Residents’ Meeting has been arranged by Silsoe Parish Council for 7.30pm on Wednesday 25 November 2020. The meeting will be via Zoom, if you would like to join the Planning meeting please notify the Clerk by the day before,…
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