GREENWOODS NEW TOWN – EVENT SATURDAY The developers want to build over 1000 houses around us have set up a meeting to try and persuade residents to approve the appeal.
Thursday 24th March, 4pm until 8pm and
Saturday 26th March, 10am until 2pm
Advice from the ‘No To Greenwoods New Town’ group who helped us beat their initial applications:
‘Public exhibition: Events are being held at Capability House, Wrest Park on Thursday 24 March from 4pm to 8pm and on Saturday 26 March from 10am to 2pm.My view is that this is a box-ticking exercise for the developers to show they are keeping the public informed – they want to be seen to engage with us (a courtesy that was missing last time) and address concerns – either by explaining or further tweaking their plans to mitigate potential objections. Go if you wish to, of course, but it is not absolutely essential. If you are against this development and you do go, I would advise caution – it will look glossy and there will be lots of ‘green’. It’s a marketing job after all. If you get into discussion or present any good arguments or concerns at the event, you are forearming the developers with a glimpse at our strategy. Let them put their cards on the table when they actually put in their application and let’s not give them anything they can use to try and squeeze this dreadful development through.Finally, after you have been and seen, please absolutely NO public discussion on here or anywhere else about what you think. They are reading this. If you have had a clever thought (and many of you are really impressive), then please do email me @ or pm my messenger. ‘

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