Silsoe, Bedfordshire, UK

SPC Meeting Agenda


The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on Wednesday 17 th May 2023, in the
Silsoe Village Hall.

Parish Clerk: Mrs Tammy Medley
Tel. 01908505558

Silsoe Village Hall Facade

Agenda – May Meeting 


1.Acceptance of Office by Councillors and Declaration of interests
2 Election of a Chair and Vice-Chair.
3 Agree the Minutes of the meeting held on 12th April 2023.
4 Apologies for absence and declarations of Interest. 
5 Public Participation.
6. Clophill roundabout representative to provide an update on the current works.
7. Report by CBC Ward Councillors.
8. Financial
• Financial Estimates/Statement
• Agree payments.
• Audit
• Agree Risk Assessment.
• Agree assets list.
• Internal auditor’s report.
• Agree AGAR in preparation for the External auditor.
• Agree Exercise of public rights dates as 5th June till 14th July
• S101 Local Government Act 1972 permits the Councillors to delegate the power of decision making to two members of the Council, usually the Clerk/responsible Finance Officer and one other. Cllr to agree this power.
9. Review of Polices & Procedures
• Standing Orders and Code of conduct
• Councillor co-option
• Complaints Procedure
• Equality and diversity
• Financial regulations
• Death of a National figure
• Privacy Notice
10. Adopt new policies:
• Habitual/vexatious complaints
• Social Media
• Freedom of information
• Emergency Plan
11. Roles and Responsibilities:
To discuss/agree responsibilities for the next year.
• Annual Plan.
• Projects for the next financial year.
12. Planning applications:
• CB/23/01243/FULL 1 Old Silsoe Rd, Clophill, single storey rear extension.
• CB/23/01006/FULL Unit 7 New Inn Farm, Silsoe. Change of use from Class B2 showroom to class E(d) indoor gym.
• Wrest Park land.
13. Projects/Ongoing issues:
• Bloor Homes.
• Miller Homes.
• Coronation – mugs for Scouts/ Decorations
• Potholes – Ampthill Rd.
• Funday 1st July 2023.
14. Consultations & Correspondence
15. Any Other Business

Next Meeting Wednesday 14th June 2023