Traffic Management and speeding continue to be one of the main issues affecting the village. Combined with the forthcoming works to the Clophill roundabout and increased traffic through the village a public meeting was held in December. A number of suggestions were presented by the villagers who attended and these have been incorporated with the comments made by residents who attended the October parish meeting.
The good news is that following meetings with the Police the first speed gun appeared after Christmas, a first for the village. We have been promised regular checks in the future.
In January 2 new speed monitoring cameras will be installed (which can be moved to 3 locations within the village). These are the smiley face cameras which studies have proved reduce speeds by 2-3%. These are not the cameras which record speeds that lead to prosecution.
Parish Councillors attended a meeting in January with the Cllr. Delgarno, Chair of the Traffic Management Committee from Central Beds Council, along with other local parish councils to discuss traffic management issues that will come with the Clophill roundabout works. Many suggestions were put forward and the Councillor is to visit the village to discuss issues shortly. We will keep you updated on the outcome of discussions, the primary focus of which will be both reducing traffic through the village either by road closures, restricting access to local traffic and speed management.
Prior to any items being put in place, there will be consultation with residents. If you have any items you wish to discuss with the Parish Council regarding traffic management please email clerk@silsoeparishcouncil.org
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