Silsoe, Bedfordshire, UK

Month: January 2022



NOTICE FROM: CENTRAL BEDFORDSHIRE COUNCIL (AMPTHlLL ROAD, SlLSOE){TEMPORARY PROHIBITION OF TRAFFIC} ORDER 2022NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Central Bedfordshire Council intends not less than seven days from the date of this Notice to make an Order the effect of which will be to prohibit any vehicle, except a vehicle being used for fire, police or…
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Letter from Anglian Water detailing sere pipe works on High Street

Sewer Pipe Road Works

Anglian Water will be updating the sewer pipe along our High Street starting 26 January. The work is envisioned to last 2 days and they will be using traffic lights between Church Road and Ampthill Road to manage traffic and safety during this time.

Free start up school for seniors

FREE Start up Course for over 50s

Are you over 50 and unemployed? Have you ever considered becoming your own boss? Startup School for Seniors is running a free course. If you live in Central Bedfordshire, are over 50 years of age, currently unemployed or have been recently made redundant, or are looking to branch out on your own, you can find…
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Silsoe Parish Council logo

January Parish Council Meeting

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on Wednesday 12th January 2022 at 7.30pm via Zoom. If you would like to join the meeting please contact the Clerk by 12 noon on the day of the meeting for the access code. The agenda for this month’s meeting can be found here.

Archers Fields Silsoe

Update on Archers Fields

Please find below a brief update on the  concerns that have been raised on Archers Fields. The bollard on West End road by the West End play area has been replaced and also the damaged raised block paving on Mander Farm Road has been repaired , although with tarmac I have reported six street lights…
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