Silsoe, Bedfordshire, UK

CBC Consultation- Chestnut Ave and Obelisk Way

Local Map of Silsoe indicating proposed restrictions between Obelisk Way and Chestnut Avenue

Central Bedfordshire Council are consulting on the following scheme:

A00504 – Chestnut Avenue and Obelisk Way, Silsoe – Waiting Restrictions.

Please find a copy of the public notice and plan providing more information.

If you wish to make any comments, they should be submitted in writing to the Highways Consultation as explained in the public notice, copied below by 16th January 2025.


Reason for proposal: Please note these markings are already in place on the ground, however they are
unenforceable as there is no corresponding Traffic Regulation Order. We are carrying out a retrospective
consultation for these waiting restrictions in order to fulfil the legal obligations required to create a
supporting Traffic Regulation Order, so that our Parking Team can enforce these markings.

Effect of the Order:
To introduce No Waiting at any time on the following length of road in Silsoe:-

  1. Chestnut Avenue, east side, from a point approximately 1 metre north of the north flank wall of
    Nos.40-50 Chestnut Avenue, extending in a northerly direction for approximately 15 metres.
  2. Chestnut Avenue, east side, from a point approximately 4 metres north of the south flank wall of
    Nos.40-50 Chestnut Avenue, extending in a southerly direction to a point approximately 2 metres
    south of the north flank wall of Nos.28-38 Chestnut Avenue.
  3. Obelisk Way, north side, from its junction with Chestnut Avenue, extending in an easterly direction
    to a point approximately 19 metres west of the west flank wall of No.26 Obelisk Way.
  4. Obelisk Way, south side, from its junction with Chestnut Avenue, extending in an easterly direction
    to a point approximately 7 metres west of the west flank wall of No.23 Obelisk Way.

    Details may also be viewed online at
    Comments should be sent by e-mail to by 16
    January 2025. Any objections must state the grounds on which they are made and must quote unique reference number A00504
    . If you want to send in your comments in writing please send them to the address shown below FAO Emily Hirst.

    Please note that any comments received will be redacted of personal information and uploaded onto the Central Bedfordshire Council website as part of a report on the scheme a few days before the proposal is discussed at the relevant Traffic Management Meeting, where it will remain in the public domain. If you do not wish for your comments to be part of the report please state this explicitly within your response.

    Order Title: If made will be “Central Bedfordshire Council (Bedfordshire County Council (District of Mid Bedfordshire) (Civil Enforcement Area and Special Enforcement Area) (Waiting Restrictions and Street Parking Places) (Consolidation) Order 2008) (Variation No.) Order 202

Central Bedfordshire Council Gary Powell
Priory House Assistant Director
Chicksands Highways
Shefford SG17 5TQ
19 December 2024